One Of The Biggest Koi Farm
With over 70 ponds and dams imported Koi from Japan and Taiwan
With generations on Koi keeping in Taiwan, we have finally moved the business to South Africa and have been operating since 1998. We are the main importer of Koi Fish and Qualikoi food which consist of high protein colouring to help your Koi Fish grow and bring out the colour pattern that they deserve. We help you with knowledge about koi and give tips and ideas on how to build your pond and filter system! Our mission is to spread out the greatest of all knowledge to South Africans so that they can enjoy looking at their beautiful koi every day. We have generations of experience with different environment and understanding of conditions the koi should be in.
We offer a variety of Koi Supplies and a variety of koi fish colour from imported Japanese and Taiwanese Koi to our very own locally breed koi. An in-depth of knowledge about Koi keeping
Qualikoi Food: Growth and Colouring Koi food with 44% protein and all essentials nutrients for your Koi to keep and healthy growing Koi.
Algae Control: a very effective product in dealing with algae growth in the pond. Treats 50 000L killing blanket weed.
Water Conditioner: a booster for new and existing filter system and pond, by increasing the number of beneficial bacteria, helps break down chemical waste. stabilise water qual Treats 100000L of water.

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